
検索キーワード「pink wood sorrel」に一致する投稿を表示しています

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Sorrel is a wild food that is frequently eaten in Eastern Europe, where it is also cultivated It has a tart, lemony flavor, and can also be used as an herb Even though wood sorrel and sheep sorrel are different (and unrelated) plants, they can be used more or less inSorrel seeds can be sown in open ground in spring, summer and late autumn Spring planting is preferable, because you will be able to harvest sorrel the same year Also soil in spring has a lot of moisture which sorrel likes The seeds can be sown 23 weeks before last frost date for your zoneOxalis stricta contains large amounts of vitamin C All parts of the plant are edible, apart from the roots, with a distinct tangy flavor (as is common in all plants in the genus Oxalis) These can also be chewed raw (along with other parts of the plant, but not the root) as a thirstquencher Yellow Wood Sorrel 50 Seeds Oxalis Stricta Organic Etsy Wood sorrel seeds uk